Visit with Lane

Visit with Lane
Visit with Lane

Fishing for a Cause visited Lane and his family. Lane is battling heart issues and will be going for heart surgery in the near future. We gave Lane some presents and a monetary gift to help with medical, travel and other expenses. He also received a blessed prayer blanket.

Please keep Lane and his family in you thoughts and prayers.

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Prayers for Lane

Prayers for Lane

Fishing for a Cause is asking for prayers for Lane. Lane is battling RAV & an infection and is CHOP. He needs to get stronger so he can have a full repair/replacement if his pulmonary valve.

Please keep Lane and his family in your thoughts and prayers.

We delivered a prayer blanket to Lane and he needs as many prayers and positive thoughts as possible.

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Visit with Justin

Visit with Justin

Fishing for a Cause made a visit today to Justin who is battling a brain tumor.

Justin received a few gifts which included a new rod and reel. We also gave a monetary gift to help with travel, lodging and medical needs. He also received a Prayer Shawl that was blessed by Father Cirba of Exaltation of the Holy Cross.

Please keep Justin and his family in your thoughts and prayers.

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Visit with Arielle

Fishing for a Cause made a charitable visit to Ariella and her family. Arielle received a few gifts and a monetary gift to help Arielle with medical and travel expenses.

Arielle, who has autism and battling leg surgeries, also received a pray Shawl from the Exaltation of the Holy Cross Prayer Shawl Ministry blessed by Father Cirba.

Please keep Arielle and her family in your thoughts and prayers.

Visit with Arielle
Visit with Arielle
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Visit with Violet

Visit with Violet

Last night Fishing for a Cause made a visit to see Violet. Violet is battling Lissencephaly and other medical issues.

Violet received a Prayer blanket from Exaltation of Holy Cross Prayer Shawl Ministry which was blessed by Father Chirba, tickets for her and her family to the Electric City Aquarium and a monetary gift to help Violet with her medical needs and travel expenses.

Please keep Violet and her family in your thoughts and prayers.

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Visit with Brogan

Fishing for a Cause made a visit today with Brogan who is battling brain cancer.

Brogan is a student at Riverside. He received a new Fishing pole, tackle bag and Fishing lures. Brogan also was given a monetary gift to help with medical, travel expenses and what ever is needed.

Please keep Brogan and his family in your thoughts and prayers.

Visit with Brogan
Visit with Brogan
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Visit with Lilly

Fishing for a Cause made a visit today to see Lily who is battling a rare brain disorder. Lily received a few gifts and a monetary gift to help with medical, travel expenses, therapy or what ever she needs.

Please keep Lily and her family in your thoughts and prayers.

Visit with Lilly
Visit with Lilly
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Visit with Joe

Tonight Fishing for a Cause visited Joe and his family. Joe received a I-pad.

Please keep Joe and his family in your thoughts and prayers.

Visit with  Joe
Visit with Joe
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Visit with Riley

Fishing for a Cause made a visit today to Riley who is battling neurofibromatosis.

Riley received a few gifts that she loved and Riley will be receiving a chair lift to get her up the stairs. Fishing for a Cause is working with PM Medical Products for chair lift and a ramp for her home.

Please keep Riley and her family in your thoughts and prayers.

Visit with Riley
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Prayers for Luci

One of Fishing for a Cause’s children, Luci, needs your thoughts and prayers.

First EEG since having hemisherectomy surgery. Praying for a good outcome.

Prayers for Luci
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Cornhole tournament

Registration Start Time 12:00
Tournament Start Time 1:00

Entry Fee: $100.00 per team
Tournament will be double elimination

Includes: Beverage and a Chance to Win a Custom Made Cornhole Set!


Entertainment by: Rockaholix Band
Food Truck---Basket Raffles---50/50---FUN!

Non-participants welcome--$25 donation includes beverage

Must be 21 years or older to attend—I.D. required

Celebrating 25 years!

Reserve your spot by calling George (570)899-6745 or Tara (570)592-7444
Payment required to guarantee spot!

Prayers list, Stories
Small Fishing for a Cause visited Lane and his family. Lane is battling heart issues and will be going for heart surgery in the near future.
Fishing for a Cause visited Miss Riley and Jane Bowers, teaching the 5th graders about Fishing, water/boat safety, and other aquatic life in Pennsylvania!
Prayers list
Fishing for a Cause is asking for prayers for Lane. Lane is battling RAV & an infection and is CHOP. He needs to get stronger so he can have a full repair/replacement if his pulmonary valve.
Fishing for a Cause teamed up with Schiel's Family Markets, Valley with a Heart, Melissa Richardson, and donations from the the community to help 12 families during the Christmas Holiday!

Contact us

Please feel free to contact us with any questions or comments. You can reach us at 570-899-6745 or using the form below.
