Visit with Hailey

Fishing for a Cause visited Hailey yesterday. Hailey is a 4 year old fighting a genetic disorder and walking issues. She loved her gifts especially the doll that she can feed and check her heart. Fishing for a Cause also gave the family a monetary gift to help Hailey what ever she needs.

Please keep Hailey and her family in your thoughts and prayers.

Visit with Hailey
Visit with Hailey
Visit with Hailey
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Visit with Lukas

Visit with Lukas

Fishing for a Cause visited Lukas today.

Lukas is going through chemotherapy and battling brain tumors. Lukas received gifts of action figures, dinosaurs and a monetary gift to help Lukas with medical, travel expenses, therapy or whatever else is needed for this Super Hero.

Please keep Lukas and his family in your thoughts and prayers.

Visit with Lukas
Visit with Lukas
Visit with Lukas
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Visit with Skylar

Fishing for a Cause visited Skylar tonight. Skylar is battling Cerebral Palsy, Lung disease and Hydrocephaly.

Skylar was given a transport wheelchair and a monetary gift to help with medical, travel expenses, or whatever else Skylar needs.

Please keep Skylar and her family in your thoughts and prayers.

Visit with Skylar
Visit with Skylar
Visit with Skylar
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Visit with Juliann

Fishing for a Cause made a visit to Juliann yesterday! Juliann is battling Cockayne syndrome. Juliann received a few gifts, rocking chair and a monetary gift to help with medical, travel, therapy or whatever else Juliann needs.

Please keep Juliann and her family in your thoughts and prayers.

Visit with Juliann
Visit with Juliann
Visit with Juliann
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Visit with Luci

Visit with Luci

Fishing for a Cause made a visit to Exeter yesterday to meet Luci and her family.

Luci is 6 years-old and is battling Rasmussen Syndrome.

We brought Luci Disney Princesses and art supplies that she wanted and gave a monetary gift to help with medical, travel, therapy or what Luci needs.

Please keep Luci and her family in your thoughts and prayers.

Visit with Luci
Visit with Luci
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Life Skills classes at Wyoming Valley West

Life Skills Class at WVW

Fishing for a Cause showed up at Wyoming Valley West today to talk about fishing and safety aspects about fishing and boating with the Life Skills classes.

The students were able to see the different types of fishing poles, hands on with hard and soft baits/lures.

We instructed on putting on life vests and the different kinds of life vests.

It was a good day for the students!

Life Skills classes at WVW
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Supporting the Community

I wanted to wish our hard working, dedicated, caring and talented Fishing for a Cause Team a Happy New Year!

Fishing for a Cause had a very busy 2023.

Please keep all of our children and their families in your thoughts and prayers.

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Donation to Fishing for a Cause

Fishing for a Cause wanted to thank The NEPA Bird Gang and Joe Rodano and his son Michael for their organization’s generous donation! Fishing for a Cause has been very busy recently please keep our children and their families in your thoughts and prayers

The NEPA Bird Gang and Joe Rodano and his son Michael
The NEPA Bird Gang and Joe Rodano and his son Michael
The NEPA Bird Gang and Joe Rodano and his son Michael
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Thank you!

Fishing for a Cause wouldn’t be able to do what we do with out these amazing people Riley Jane , Bob Minnick , Tara Bowers , Melissa Richardson , Sharon Williams Cook , JoAnn Schiel , Nancy Korba , Lisa Kocher, Jenelle Osborne , Pete Korba and Brenda Andes.

I am very fortunate to have them as a part of the Fishing for a Cause Team!

This Team is caring, compassionate, loving, talented, knowledgeable and have that never give up attitude that gets things done!

Our Sponsors and Donaters are the best and definitely would not be able to do what we do!

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Hanover Area Life Skills Class

Fishing for a Cause made a visit to Hanover Area High School today for some show and tell about fishing.

Kim Garber and Megan Sevenski classes asked many questions and were able to sit in a Ranger.

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Prayers list, Stories
Small Fishing for a Cause visited Lane and his family. Lane is battling heart issues and will be going for heart surgery in the near future.
Fishing for a Cause visited Miss Riley and Jane Bowers, teaching the 5th graders about Fishing, water/boat safety, and other aquatic life in Pennsylvania!
Prayers list
Fishing for a Cause is asking for prayers for Lane. Lane is battling RAV & an infection and is CHOP. He needs to get stronger so he can have a full repair/replacement if his pulmonary valve.
Fishing for a Cause teamed up with Schiel's Family Markets, Valley with a Heart, Melissa Richardson, and donations from the the community to help 12 families during the Christmas Holiday!

Contact us

Please feel free to contact us with any questions or comments. You can reach us at 570-899-6745 or using the form below.
